A child is born in the world with an intelligent brain. A brain or an “intelligence” that can learn anything. That could be the ultimate goal of AI a general AI that can learn anything. The child will grow and learn and at some point, it will learn that his “intelligence” was created, to quote you “bottom-up”, that would mean that the child as discovered the “evolution theory” and that somehow life is a gigantic Github repository with lots of commits.
At some point, the “General AI” might also discover GitHub. Will it also draw the conclusion that it was created accidentally? “bottom-up”? That it is an accidental lucky “dust devil” that randomly and luckily committed and pushed some “stuff” to Github?
Then this “General AI” will discover that in order to be operational, it needs not only GitHub as its source code or let’s say DNA, but also silicium, for its GPU, and electricity, and…
In the end, behind every commit, there is an engineer, developer, let say a designer, an architect. What will the AI think? Who is this, who is this guy, who are these guys who committed my source code, who engineered the GPU, the electricity? Who is my creator?
I wonder why we think we came out of some giant cosmic soup and by chance we auto-committed random stuff to some unknown repo.